Heinz Riener
Researcher, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- NEW 2019, ECO Benchmark Suite (Zenodo)
- NEW 2018, behemoth is a C++ library for syntax-guided enumeration and synthesis. (GitHub)
- NEW 2018, aig is a C++ header-only library for the representation of And-Inverter Graphs (AIG). (GitHub)
- NEW 2018, lorina is a C++ header-only parsing library for various simple file formats (AIG, BENCH, BLIF, PLA, Verilog) commonly used in logic synthesis and formal verification (GitHub, Version 0.2 (Oct 18, 2018), Documentation)
- NEW 2018, easy is a toolkit for finding and manipulating Exclusive-or Sum-Of-Products (ESOP). (GitHub, Documentation)
- 2017, ParSyn-CEGIS is a flexible software framework for parameter synthesis and repair of cyber-physical systems. (GitHub)
- 2016, metaSMT is an easy to use Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) for C++ that integrates various decision procedures directly via one common API. (GitHub)
- 2015, metaSMT-toolbox-smt2eval is a metaSMT toolbox project that allows reading and evaluating SMT-LIB2 instances utilizing a variety of different solving engines and techniques. Applications include portfolio solving of an SMT-LIB2 instance or cross-checking results of multiple solving engines. (GitHub)